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Our Clients


Target for Health Consulting offers you a collection of services that are professionally designed to give you a clear picture regarding your facility's location among UAE healthcare regulations, law and insurance companies’ contracts and obligations. These services also provide you with a rich area to develop your business, rationing of expenses, and reduction of effort and time. Our services are based on a number of pillars, including:

  1. Qualifying your staff
  2. Developing your work strategies, policies and procedures.
  3. Developing your revenue cycle management.
  4. Developing the medical records preservation mechanism.

For more information, please see Our Services.


Target for Health Consulting helps you to establish an advanced billing system based on UAE healthcare law and regulations. You can also benefit from our expertise to establish specialized teams to monitor and follow up your customers and partners in the healthcare market and their compliance with the applicable laws and regulations, to eliminate errors, prevent fraud and control unjustified services (no real medical necessity). Which will be reflected in future results as a reduction of the overall expenses, which in turn helps grow your business and increase your customers and investments.

For more information, please see Our Services.


Was your application for a particular healthcare service rejected? Is this healthcare service a cosmetic service? Does my healthcare policy cover this medical service?

arget for Health Consulting helps insured patients to better understand their insurance policies, benefits and limits, and to better understand their health problems. We will answer all the questions and the inquiries to those who need them, and provide necessary advice and guidance to facilitate their healthcare requirements as much as possible. We also offer medico-legal and practical advice to solve disputes.

For more information, please see Our Services.

Governments Entities

Target for Health consulting would offer comprehensive RCM services related to the Health-Insurance system including the Medico-legal aspects, through establishing, managing, organizing, supporting, assisting, collaborating, sharing, auditing and monitoring procedures and activities for the governmental and non-governmental entities. Our professional knowledge and experiences will grant smooth and high quality strategic and operative policies, matching the DOH, DHA, and MOH rules and guidelines.

Managing Audit, Quality, Claims, Policies and Procedures are our main interest with special focus on fighting Fraud and Abuse in the health market.

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